Friday, March 6, 2009

Japan Dilemma

Woah, this is totally unexpected.

To think that my boss is also leaving for Japan on the SAME DAY as me. Drats. Luckily he's boarding the expensive A380 (?) plane... >_<;;
Right, so today I've 'officially' submitted my leave application for his signatory... He got excited! Like eh... I did inform him earlier on about my Japan trip plan... but no, it's because that he wanted to tell me that the Japanese colleagues, whom I communicate closely with, are excited to know if they are able to meet me and such... have a lunch/dinner when I reached Tokyo... * Hey I'm only such a small shit staff here... ._.? *

Gave me a list of numbers I can try there. *faints*
Told him I won't be able to use my current phone, so it's just "I will try but no promises" kinda thing.
He looked so KEEN to show me the HQ, I KNOW I KNOW.... T-T I also want to meet them...!!

Alas, I will only be in Tokyo for the last 2 days, and NOWHERE near the HQ... Plus I WANT TO GO GRAB MY STUFF! *coughGacktcoughAyumicoughKumi* XD

Crap, both above are of interests to me. Yet, how can I magically teleport here and there... O wells, I'll try to plan once I get my proper schedule.

Lots of bullshit @ work and travel stuff to settle. Stupid passport to expire at this crucial moment. Lack of stuff for travel, all so last minute...

Gtg sleep, heading down to the immigration office early morning tmr to settle more bullshits -photo rejected- matter. Zzzz!!

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