Thursday, March 12, 2009

After attending Adam Khoo's talk, indeed i got motivated somehow, in a way or another la.
Not that i'm bragging, but thru his talk, u will learn quite alot, those "impossible" thoughts in urself will somehow become "possible".
Let me share with u a few things he said, and u see of it's true okay? :)

Quoted by Adam Khoo:

" Some pple who thinks that their dream is impossible because of Fear - they fear to fail."

" If you are someone who do not like pple to plan ur life for u, u want to make ur own decision, then Entreprenuer is for you"

"The higher position u get in ur company, like a VP in a bank, ur asset in the company will increase. When tat happens, when recession comes, ur chance of retrenchment is higher, NOT becos you are old already, BUT becos u are too expensive to be kept" - if you dont want this to happen to u, then start ur own Biz.

"You have a CHOICE in life, dont leave everything to fate" - just becos a misfortune falls on u, doesnt mean that tat is ur fate.

Lastly: " Just Do It" - Rmbr Nike :)
" Only u can help and motivate urself" - TRY it out, ACTION speaks louder than words.
" No free lunch in this world" - Work for it!

Alright. Enough of Adam Khoo, if ur interested to know more, maybe u can borrow some of his book in the lib okay? :)

I went to Great Eastern @ Eunos Today for a small interview. There'll be two more interview to go before i can officially be a financial planner. Along the way, before i hit 21yrs old, i need to take their exam, 3 modules, with 2 DAMN thick txtbook. I hope i can make it with just one try.

On the train back to JE, i did alot of thinking. I have choosen this choice, means watever setbacks i face in future, i cannot give up, and cannot blame anyone. I'll be going to SIM to study Bachelor in Econs & Finance. As a supplement for this career of mine in great eastern. I really hope i have made the right choice. <em>Mommy, pls watch over me!

Oh dear frens out there, must help me to earn commission okay? I'll give ur a Big Treat. Ha!

I know alot of u may think why i studied property in poly, then now wanna take up this right?
Becos of a reason, a reason where u pple may think is insignificant, but to me, it is like my "benefactor"
Insurance has made an impact in my life, so i hope, being in this profession, i can make a similar difference to others too.


My future work place? :X

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