Saturday, March 7, 2009

Assploding Hypocrisy: The Sixth Tenant of Islam.....


Hezbollah to the West:

Hizbullah wants new language from West- Jerusalem Post

Hizbullah deputy leader Sheik Naim Kassem said Saturday that he welcomes a new American and European approach toward the Lebanese guerrilla group. He added that his group expected new language by the West in dealing with the Iranian-backed Shi'ite Muslim group

Hezbollah to the World:

Hizbullah Official: Israel Is A Cancer That Endangers The World And It Must Be Destroyed- MEMRI

Muhammad Yazbek, representative of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Hizbullah's Shura Council, stated that Israel is a cancerous growth that is endangering the entire world with its crimes, and that peace and security will not prevail in the Middle East and in the world as long as it exists.

Therefore, he said, Israel must be destroyed.


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