Saturday, March 7, 2009

Better Question of the Day

Do you dream? Have nightmares? Remember them? Often? Recurring?

I ask because I had a quasi-nightmare about the bar last was puzzling and I would definitely have failed the bar if the dream had been how it went. But the real point is that I rarely dream - or remember them - and I VERY rarely have nightmares.

I did, however, have a recurring nightmare as a child. I think it's the reason I hate scary movies. I was in fog, alone, disembodied and then there was a menacing presence in the fog and it turned burnt orange. And it closed in on me, closer, closer, closer until I would wake right before it got me. Had that dream for at least ten years that I can recall and it stopped sometime late in high school. I know I didn't have it in college, anyhow.


So, what about you all?


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